I’m starting to do some
activities here. The first one is volunteering at the dog shelter, which it is
something I also did in Santa Barbara (at DAWG). The shelter is call Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). I volunteer only once a week,
since the shelter is pretty far and it takes me around 45 min to get the by
train. And also because there are shifts, and I must be there at 8am! The last
2 weeks I helped cleaning the shelter, but this week I’m going to walk the
dogs. I didn’t do it before because of the weather, but the walking coordinator
(yes, they are very organized) is very experienced, and I would like to learn
more about dogs behavior. I also enjoy volunteering there since we can’t have
Echo here, and this way, I can play with the dogs and pet them once a week,
hehe! The reason Echo didn’t come is not only that she should make a quarantine,
but also because of the weather.
The other activities are a
photography group and a “Chinese class” group. I joined both groups through the
American Women Association (Yes, I miss the US :))
The photography group meets once a month, and we went to a photography
exhibition. The other group meets once a week, and the idea is to practice
Chinese. I just started to learn Chinese, and they are pretty advance for me,
but I’ll try to catch them, if I don’t give up first!